1 |
Total no. of computers available |
50 |
2 |
Total no. of computers available in computer Lab. |
40 |
3 |
Total no. of students |
540 |
4 |
Student Computer ratio |
1:13 |
5 |
No. of Computer labs |
2 |
6 |
No. of Broadband Connections |
2 |
7 |
Website |
https://kaduthuruthy.kvs.ac.in/ |
8 |
No. of e-classrooms |
12 (100%) |
9 |
No. of Personalized Learning using a connected classroom solution under PMJVK Scheme of Ministry of Minority Affairs |
40 |
10 |
No. of e-learning solution(Apple iPad, Projector, Streaming device) under PMJVK Scheme of Ministry of Minority Affairs. |
06 |
11 |
No. of Digital Language Lab(30 computers with Words Worth Language Lab License) |
1 |